Integrative Veterinary Services understands how challenging it can be for individuals to take time away from their busy schedules to travel to Howell for their pet’s appointment.
We also understand that proximity can play a significant factor for many people, when it may not be practical for a client to travel to Howell Michigan for a consultation. You may also wish to discuss your pets’ case in order to obtain a second opinion or you may feel confused about your veterinarians’ recommendations. Sometimes just having another listening ear can be helpful when trying to make challenging decisions when it comes to your pets’ health.
Dr. Matt offers phone consultations as an option to obtain information and guidance into the health management of your pet. We treat these cases like every other new patient and have you fill out the new patient document. Your time will be more wisely utilized if you submit all pertinent information prior to the phone consultation for Dr. Matt’s review, including recent medical records, diagnostic results and radiographs.
Please understand that phone consultations are not intended to diagnose a condition.

Integrative Veterinary Services now offering Phone Consultations.