Please call our office for information about scheduling a new patient appointment.
New Patients
Many people have very specific interests in modalities they feel their pet would benefit from, while others are not certain but know they want to pursue a more integrative or holistic approach to their pet’s care. Dr. Matt will help guide you in making that determination, based on your pet’s history, response to previous veterinary care treatments and his physical exam findings. We find most patients benefit starting with a spinal manipulation and nutritional assessment. However, if you are solely interested in an Eastern medicine approach, we can have that be our primary focus as well. We find that many patients benefit from an integrative approach as chiropractic alignment can even help patients be more responsive to acupuncture. When booking an appointment, our staff will email you a new patient document which you will need to fill out at least 48 hours prior to your pet’s appointment. Please understand that we are a very busy clinic and we set time aside for you and your pet specifically – by appointment only. New patient appointments typically range from 1 to 1 ½ hours long. We often have a waiting list for patients to get an appointment so we encourage you to get on the calendar. As schedules change so does our calendar, which allows us to often move new clients to an earlier spot.
Puppy Consultations
Dr. Matt is doing new puppy consultations as the majority of our clients want to take a different approach to their new family member’s care. We will review diet options, vaccine protocols and titer testing, heartworm and flea and tick prevention alternatives. Dr. Matt never dissuades people from the use of conventional parasite prevention products that are typically recommended in conventional veterinary medicine. However, we have many clients that elect to not utilize the chemical-based products and Dr. Matt can then help you determine how to most safely manage that decision. He will also talk about spay and neutering decisions and, if elected, when might be the best time to have the procedure performed.

Puppy consultations are the majority of our new clients!